Hindrik Jacobs Wagt + Zwaantje Jacobs Piest

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Hindrik Jacobs WagtMale ‎(I09095)‎
Birth 1820 -- Muntendam, Menterwolde, Groningen, Netherlands

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Zwaantje Jacobs PiestFemale ‎(I09094)‎
Birth 12 August 1823 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 21 April 1862 (Age 38) -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Jacob Pieters PiestMale ‎(I09093)‎
Birth 18 January 1799 -- Zwartsluis, Zwartewaterland, Overijssel, Netherlands
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Harmke Hindriks BaasFemale ‎(I09092)‎
Birth 1 December 1799 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Harmke WagtFemale ‎(I09096)‎
Birth 17 January 1850 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 22 April 1888 (Age 38) -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Jacob WagtMale ‎(I09110)‎
Birth 12 December 1852 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 1 January 1891 (Age 38) -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Albertje WagtFemale ‎(I09118)‎
Birth 4 August 1857 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 23 May 1935 (Age 77) -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands

Family Group Information   (F3606)
Marriage 18 May 1849 Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Civil register - Marriage ‎‎(Father bride)‎‎
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Wildervank
Type of record: Marriage Certificate
Record number: 35
Registration date: 18-05-1849
Bridegroom: Hindrik Jacobs Wagt
Place of birth: Muntendam
Bride: Zwaantje Jacobs Piest
Place of birth: Wildervank
Father bridegroom: Jacob Roelfs Wagt
Mother bridegroom: Albertje Hindriks Dost
Father bride: Jacob Pieters Piest
Mother bride: Harmke Hindriks Baas
Additional information: profession bridegroom: boerenknecht; profession bride: dienstmeid; profession vader bride: worker; profession moeder bride: worker; bridegroom 29 jaar; bride 25 jaar
Last Change 27 May 2007 - 13:32:56 Last changed by: Admin