Henry Claus Bolthouse + Anna Kruizenga

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Henry Claus BolthouseMale ‎(I07551)‎
Birth 29 May 1899 -- Michigan
Death 22 January 1933 (Age 33) -- Spring Lake, Ottawa, Michigan
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Claus BolthouseMale ‎(I07544)‎
Birth 15 August 1856 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 3 August 1934 (Age 77) -- Spring Lake, Ottawa, Michigan
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Johanna Maria Van HerwynenFemale ‎(I07545)‎
Birth 3 November 1856 -- Herwijnen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Death 22 October 1920 (Age 63) -- Spring Lake, Ottawa, Michigan

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Anna KruizengaFemale ‎(I11794)‎
Birth 17 September 1898
Death 9 July 1983 (Age 84) -- Spring Lake, Ottawa, Michigan
Unknown children

Family Group Information   (F3063)
Marriage 24 June 1927