Riekel Vantil + Marguerite B. Noel

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Riekel VantilMale ‎(I06640)‎
Birth 28 September 1895 -- Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
Death 2 February 1985 (Age 89) -- Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
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Rieckel VanTilMale ‎(I06637)‎
Birth 25 April 1866 -- Netherlands
Death 23 April 1957 (Age 90) -- Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
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Fonytje HoekstraFemale ‎(I06635)‎
Birth 1874 -- Holland, Ottawa, Michigan
Death 13 September 1913 (Age 39) -- Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan

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Marguerite B. NoelFemale ‎(I06660)‎
Birth 6 January 1900 -- White Cloud, Newaygo, Michigan
Death 21 March 1954 (Age 54) -- Hudsonville, Ottawa, Michigan

Family Group Information   (F2735)
Marriage 10 July 1920 Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan