Klaas Abels Kooij + Kunje Folkerts

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Klaas Abels KooijMale ‎(I05658)‎
Birth 1793
Death 19 May 1828 (Age 35) -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands

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Folkert JakobsMale ‎(I05264)‎
Birth 14 September 1764 -- Feerwerd, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 7 October 1811 (Age 47) -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands
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Geertruid AldertsFemale ‎(I05265)‎
Birth 21 December 1766 -- Garnwerd, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 30 June 1822 (Age 55) -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands
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Abel Klaassens KooiMale ‎(I05891)‎
Birth 6 October 1821 -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 17 August 1889 (Age 67) -- Zuidhorn, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
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Folkert KooiMale ‎(I05885)‎
Birth 8 June 1823 -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 3 May 1824 (Age 10 months) -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands
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Geertruid Klaassens KooijFemale ‎(I05889)‎
Birth 10 February 1825 -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 14 June 1895 (Age 70) -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
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Folkert Klaassens KooijMale ‎(I05888)‎
Birth 25 September 1828 -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 19 April 1843 (Age 14) -- Saaksum, Oldehove, Groningen, Netherlands

Family Group Information   (F2361)
Marriage 22 February 1821 Oldehove, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Civil register - Marriage ‎‎(Mother bride)‎‎
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Oldehove
Type of record: Marriage Certificate
Record number: 2
Registration date: 22-02-1821
Bridegroom: Klaas Abels Kooij
Bride: Kunje Folkerts
Place of birth: Saaksum
Father bridegroom: Abel Hendriks Kooij
Mother bridegroom: Jantje Jochums Meinema
Father bride: Folkert Jakobs
Mother bride: Geertruid Alderts
Additional information: profession bridegroom: farmer; profession vader bridegroom.: farmer; profession mother bridegroom: farmer; profession vader bride: farmer; profession mother bride: farmer; bridegroom 28 jaar; bride 20 jaar; widower van Wendelina Grommerts
Last Change 13 June 2007 - 21:19:55 Last changed by: Admin