4 Generation Pedigree Chart:
Jan Kerkstra

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Grietje Jurriens de WaaiFemale ‎(I04241)‎
Birth 7 October 1816 -- Garnwerd, Ezinge, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 1 September 1860 (Age 43) -- Zoutkamp, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Pieter Ouwes HoekstraMale ‎(I04240)‎
Birth 1809 -- Zoutkamp, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 21 February 1870 (Age 61) -- Zoutkamp, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Jantje HoekstraFemale ‎(I11131)‎
Birth 24 October 1849 -- Zoutkamp, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 13 May 1886 (Age 36) -- Ulrum, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Willem KerkstraMale ‎(I11132)‎
Birth 18 November 1847 -- Kollum, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, Netherlands
Death 16 July 1932 (Age 84)
Jantje VisserFemale ‎(I11141)‎
Birth 28 October 1871 -- Leens, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 28 July 1948 (Age 76) -- Ulrum, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Pieter Oewe KerkstraMale ‎(I11140)‎
Birth 26 May 1877 -- Ulrum, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 7 March 1949 (Age 71) -- Haulerwijk, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, Netherlands
Jan KerkstraMale ‎(I25765)‎
Birth 24 March 1909 -- Ulrum, De Marne, Groningen, Netherlands

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