4 Generation Pedigree Chart:
Hindrik Luurs

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Hiltje EijtesFemale ‎(I24089)‎
Birth about 1773 -- Grootegast, Grootegast, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 29 November 1837 (Age approx. 64) -- Marum, Marum, Groningen, Netherlands
Roelf Ijwes RosemaMale ‎(I24090)‎
Birth 3 June 1768 -- Siegerswoude, Opsterland, Friesland, Netherlands
Death 21 November 1847 (Age 79) -- De Waard, Grijpskerk, Groningen, Netherlands
Pietje Roelfs RozemaFemale ‎(I24093)‎
Birth about 1797 -- Marum, Marum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 9 January 1866 (Age approx. 69) -- Grijpskerk, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
Pieter Harms KoopmanMale ‎(I24097)‎
Birth about 1794
Death 29 August 1840 (Age approx. 46) -- Grijpskerk, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
Harmina KoopmanFemale ‎(I24095)‎
Birth 21 February 1830 -- Zuidwolde, Bedum, Groningen, Netherlands
Harm Hindriks LuursMale ‎(I24096)‎
Birth 31 May 1819 -- Grijpskerk, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 22 July 1874 (Age 55) -- Dokkum, Dongeradeel, Friesland, Netherlands
Hindrik LuursMale ‎(I24123)‎
Birth 19 September 1852 -- Niezijl, Grijpskerk, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 24 August 1932 (Age 79) -- Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands

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