4 Generation Pedigree Chart:
Gijsbert Izaak de Vries

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Johanna Adriana HoebenFemale ‎(I19851)‎
Birth 4 May 1811 -- Middelburg, Middelburg, Zeeland, Netherlands
Jan Jans JoostenMale ‎(I19850)‎
Birth 30 July 1786 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Willemina FaasenFemale ‎(I20284)‎
Birth 16 October 1845 -- Goes, Goes, Zeeland, Netherlands
Nicolaas JoostenMale ‎(I20283)‎
Birth 1844 -- Sloten, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Neeltje JoostenFemale ‎(I20293)‎
Birth 1884 -- Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Johan Adriaan de VriesMale ‎(I20294)‎
Birth 1859 -- Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Gijsbert Izaak de VriesMale ‎(I20477)‎
Birth 1914 -- Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Death 2 August 1924 (Age 10) -- Avereest, Hardenberg, Overijssel, Netherlands

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