Geerdina Warmenhoven (I27728)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 2 November 1894 Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Rotterdam Archief Source Text: Child:Geerdina Warmenhoven Father:Jacobus Johannes Warmenhoven Gender:Male Mother:Marchiena Lummina Bos Gender:Female Event:Birth Date:Friday, November 2, 1894 Source type:Birth certificate Organisation:Stadsarchief Rotterdam Place:Rotterdam Collection region:Zuid-Holland Page:i119v Record date:1894 Record place:Rotterdam Comment:akte nr. 6047 |
Birth of a sibling | 29 November 1896 (Age 2) Sister: Josina Maria Warmenhoven (I27729) |
Birth of a sibling | 5 September 1899 (Age 4) Sister: Alberdina Marchiena Warmenhoven (I27730) |
Birth of a sibling | 26 June 1901 (Age 6) Brother: Johannes Karel Warmenhoven (I27731) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 6 July 1904 (Age 9) Aunt: Renske Bos (I10636) (Age 43) |
Death of a grand-parent | 25 January 1909 (Age 14) Grandmother: Geertje Stuut (I10633) (Age 72) |
Birth of a sibling | 17 March 1909 (Age 14) Sister: Marchiena Lummina Warmenhoven (I27732) |
Marriage | 4 June 1925 (Age 30) Willem Gijsbertus Marinus de Koe Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Source: Marriage - Rotterdam Archief Source Text: Groom:Willem Gijsbertus Marinus de Koe Gender:Male Place of birth:Schiedam Age:37 Bride:Geerdina Warmenhoven Gender:Female Place of birth:Rotterdam Age:30 Father of the groom:Gijsbert de Koe Gender:Male Mother of the groom:Marina Josina Aarse Gender:Female Father of the bride:Jacobus Johannes Warmenhoven Gender:Male Mother of the bride:Lummina Bos Gender:Female Event:Marriage Date:Thursday, June 4, 1925 Event place:Rotterdam Source type:Marriage certificate Organisation:Stadsarchief Rotterdam Place:Rotterdam Collection region:Zuid-Holland Page:f124v Record date:1925 Record place:Rotterdam |
Death of a mother's sibling | 7 May 1930 (Age 35) Aunt: Hinderika Bos (I19768) (Age 59) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 11 August 1932 (Age 37) Aunt: Zwaantje Bos (I19769) (Age 57) |
Death of mother | 22 May 1935 (Age 40) Mother: Marchiena Lummina Bos (I19772) (Age 69) |
Death of father | 2 May 1942 (Age 47) Father: Jacobus Johannes Warmenhoven (I19773) (Age 82) |
Death of a sibling | 7 April 1967 (Age 72) Sister: Marchiena Lummina Warmenhoven (I27732) (Age 58) |
Death of a sibling | 4 January 1968 (Age 73) Brother: Johannes Karel Warmenhoven (I27731) (Age 66) |
Last Change | 28 April 2016 - 14:32:40 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents |
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Mother |
Sister |
Sister |
Sister |
Brother |
Sister |
Family with Willem Gijsbertus Marinus de Koe |
Husband |
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