Elisabeth Anna Hillechiena Engelina Mekel (I22381)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 18 January 1886 Stadskanaal, Onstwedde, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Birth Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Onstwedde Type of record: geboorte Record number: 11 Registration date: 18-01-1886 Child Elisabeth Anna Hillechiena Engelina Mekel Gender: V Abandoned child: N Date of birth: 18-01-1886 Place of birth: Stadskanaal gem. Onstwedde Father Johannes Fredericus Mekel Mother Engelina Maria Hillechiena Tobina van der Putten Additional information beroep vader: apotheker; |
Birth of a sibling | 28 November 1887 (Age 22 months) Sister: Margaretha Elisabeth Johanna Mekel (I14352) |
Birth of a sibling | 21 September 1889 (Age 3) Brother: Johannes Franciscus Mekel (I25475) |
Death of a sibling | 14 January 1891 (Age 4) Sister: Margaretha Elisabeth Johanna Mekel (I14352) (Age 3) |
Birth of a sibling | 27 September 1891 (Age 5) Sister: Margaretha Johanna Mekel (I22382) |
Birth of a sibling | 20 August 1893 (Age 7) Sister: Hillechiena Engelina Maria Mekel (I25476) |
Birth of a sibling | 6 January 1896 (Age 9) Brother: Jacobus Johannes Mekel (I25477) |
Birth of a sibling | May 1897 (Age 11) Brother: Bernardus Leobertus Mekel (I14353) |
Death of a sibling | 17 February 1898 (Age 12) Brother: Bernardus Leobertus Mekel (I14353) (Age approx. 9 months) |
Birth of a sibling | 22 September 1898 (Age 12) Sister: Catharina Maria Clara Mekel (I25478) |
Death of mother | 26 April 1914 (Age 28) Mother: Engelina Maria Hillechiena van der Putten (I06820) (Age 59) |
Death of father | 21 March 1929 (Age 43) Father: Johannes Frederikus Mekel (I06819) (Age 77) |
Death of a sibling | 10 February 1950 (Age 64) Sister: Margaretha Johanna Mekel (I22382) (Age 58) |
Death | 1 August 1958 (Age 72) Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Het Utrechts, Netherlands Source Text: Deceased: Elisabeth Anna Hillechiena Engelina Mekel Gender: Female Age: 72 Father: Johannes Fredericus Mekel Mother: Engelina Maria Hillechiena tobina van der Putten Event: Overlijden Date: Friday, August 01, 1958 Event place: Utrecht Source type: BS Overlijden Organisation: Het Utrechts Archief Place: Utrecht Collection region: Utrecht Archive: 1221-1 Registration number: 1994 Record number: 1616 Record date: 2 August 1958 Record place: Utrecht |
Last Change | 21 December 2014 - 17:48:05 Last changed by: Admin |
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Sister |
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