Henderiktje Lemstra (I20002)
Personal Facts and Details
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 12 June 1896 Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Kind: Henderiktje Lemstra Geslacht: Vrouw Geboorteplaats: Groningen Geboortedatum: zondag 21 juni 1896 Vader: Auwke Lemstra Leeftijd: 25 Beroep: koopmansknecht Moeder: Grietje Dijkstra Gebeurtenis: Geboorte Datum: zondag 21 juni 1896 Documenttype: BS Geboorte Erfgoedinstelling: Groninger ArchievenGroninger Archieven Plaats instelling: Groningen Collectiegebied: Groningen Aktenummer: 884 Registratiedatum: 22 juni 1896 Akteplaats: Groningen Collectie: Bron: boek, Periode: 1896 Boek: Geboorteregister 1896 |
Birth of a sibling | 21 February 1899 (Age 2) Sister: Jantje Lemstra (I20004) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 21 February 1899 (Age 2) Brother: Hendrik Lemstra (I23289) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a sibling | 4 August 1899 (Age 3) Brother: Hendrik Lemstra (I23289) (Age 5 months) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 4 November 1903 (Age 7) Grandfather: Hendrik Dijkstra (I10676) (Age 55) - [Relationship Chart] |
Marriage | 12 October 1916 (Age 20) Derk Schuur - [View Family (F7445)]
Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands |
Death of mother | 25 January 1941 (Age 44) Mother: Grietje Dijkstra (I10721) (Age 69) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of father | 13 June 1948 (Age 52) Father: Auwke Lemstra (I10722) (Age 77) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a mother's sibling | 24 February 1960 (Age 63) Aunt: Willemke Dijkstra (I10719) (Age 89) - [Relationship Chart] |
Last Change | 9 January 2014 - 21:34:41 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents - [View Family (F4294)] |
Family with Derk Schuur - [View Family (F7445)] |
Husband |
Research Assistant
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