Aaltje Jacobs Bottema (I17112)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 10 December 1845 Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Birth Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Kloosterburen Type of record: geboorte Record number: 52 Registration date: 12-12-1845 Child Aaltje Bottema Gender: V Abandoned child: N Date of birth: 10-12-1845 Place of birth: Kloosterburen Father Jakob Willems Bottema Mother Anna Katharina Geerts Beekman Additional information beroep vader: dagloner; |
Death of mother | 13 December 1848 (Age 3) Mother: Anna Catrina Geerts Beekman (I08326) (Age 36) |
Marriage | 30 May 1867 (Age 21) Jacobus Wijninga Leens, Leens, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Marriage Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Leens Type of record: Huwelijksakte Record number: 17 Registration date: 30-05-1867 Groom Jacobus Wijninga Place of birth: Usquert Bride Aaltje Bottema Place of birth: Kloosterburen Father groom Jan Hendriks Wijninga Mother groom Sebiena Kornelis Scholtens Father bride Jakob Willems Bottema Mother bride Anna Katharina Geerts Beekman Additional information beroep bruidegom: daglooner; beroep bruid: dienstmeid; beroep vader bruid: daglooner; bruidegom 27 jaar; bruid 21 jaar |
Birth of a child #1 | 26 July 1868 (Age 22) Daughter: Sabina Maria Wijninga (I17138) |
Birth of a child #2 | 12 August 1871 (Age 25) Son: Jacobus Wijninga (I17940) |
Birth of a child #3 | 1 December 1873 (Age 27) Son: Johannes Wijnenga (I17942) |
Death of father | 30 December 1875 (Age 30) Father: Jacobus Willems Bottema (I08324) (Age 68) |
Birth of a child #4 | 2 June 1877 (Age 31) Son: Gerhardus Wijninga (I17144) |
Birth of a child #5 | 13 March 1880 (Age 34) Daughter: Catharina Wijninga (I17142) |
Birth of a child #6 | 2 June 1887 (Age 41) Son: Henderikus Wijninga (I17140) |
Death of a father's sibling | 4 April 1890 (Age 44) Uncle: Johannes Willems Bottema (I08322) (Age 87) |
Birth of a grandchild #1 | 14 May 1899 (Age 53) Grandson: Jacobus Wijninga (I26387) |
Birth of a grandchild #2 | 8 January 1901 (Age 55) Granddaughter: Tobina Wijnenga (I17153) |
Birth of a grandchild #3 | 18 September 1902 (Age 56) Granddaughter: Alida Wijninga (I17953) |
Birth of a grandchild #4 | 24 February 1905 (Age 59) Granddaughter: Alida Margaretha Wijnenga (I17367) |
Birth of a grandchild #5 | 16 April 1905 (Age 59) Grandson: Georgius Wijninga (I17955) |
Birth of a grandchild #6 | 18 September 1906 (Age 60) Granddaughter: Margaretha Alida Wijnenga (I17948) |
Birth of a grandchild #7 | 1 November 1906 (Age 60) Grandson: Johannes Hindericus Wijninga (I26388) |
Birth of a grandchild #8 | 24 January 1909 (Age 63) Granddaughter: Maria Sabina Wijninga (I26389) |
Death of a half-sibling | 5 February 1909 (Age 63) Half-Sister: Engelina Bottema (I08348) (Age 72) |
Birth of a grandchild #9 | 1910 (Age 65) Granddaughter: Sabina Wijnenga (I17950) |
Death of a grandchild | 8 November 1911 (Age 65) Granddaughter: Maria Sabina Wijninga (I26389) (Age 2) |
Birth of a grandchild #10 | 25 March 1912 (Age 66) Granddaughter: Berendina C. Wijnenga (I17951) |
Birth of a grandchild #11 | 4 September 1913 (Age 67) Grandson: Johannes Jacobus Wijninga (I17967) |
Birth of a grandchild #12 | 1914 (Age 69) Granddaughter: Catharina Gerardus Wijninga (I17957) |
Birth of a grandchild #13 | 26 January 1918 (Age 72) Grandson: Franciscus Wijninga (I26433) |
Death | 11 June 1922 (Age 76) Den Hoorn, Leens, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Death Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Leens Type of record: overlijden Record number: 23 Registration date: 12-06-1922 Deceased Aaltje Bottema Gender: V Date of death: 11-06-1922 Age: 76 Place of death: Den Hoorn gem. Leens Father Jakob Willems Bottema Mother Anna Katharina Geerts Beekman Partner Jacobus Wijninga Relationship: echtgenote Additional information geboortepl: Kloosterburen |
Last Change | 23 October 2009 - 19:24:59 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents |
Father |
Mother |
Father's Family with Tekla Willems Borgers |
Half-Sister |
Half-Brother |
Half-Brother |
Half-Brother |
Half-Sister |
Family with Jacobus Wijninga |
Husband |
Daughter |
Son |
Daughter |
Son |
Son |
Son |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |