Grietje Boswijk (I08816)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 19 February 1834 Nieuwe Pekela, Pekela, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Child:Grietje Boswijk Gender:Female Place of birth:Nieuwe Pekela Date of birth:Wednesday, February 19, 1834 Father:Harke Derks Boswijk Age:27 Occupation:landgebruiker Mother:Fennechien Hindriks Polter Event:Birth Date:Wednesday, February 19, 1834 Event place:Nieuwe Pekela Source type:Birth certificate Organisation:Groninger Archieven Place:Groningen Collection region:Groningen Record number:26 Record date:22 February 1834 Record place:Nieuwe Pekela Collection:Bron: boek, Periode: 1834 Book:Geboorteregister 1834 |
Birth of a sibling | 1837 (Age 3) Brother: Hindrik Harkes Boswijk (I11299) |
Death of a sibling | 30 May 1838 (Age 4) Brother: Hindrik Harkes Boswijk (I11299) (Age approx. 1 year) |
Birth of a sibling | 8 March 1839 (Age 5) Sister: Pietertje Boswijk (I10649) |
Birth of a sibling | April 1841 (Age 7) Brother: Hindrik Harkes Boswijk (I11300) |
Death of a sibling | 18 July 1841 (Age 7) Brother: Hindrik Harkes Boswijk (I11300) (Age approx. 3 months) |
Birth of a sibling | 1842 (Age 8) Brother: Hindrik Harkes Boswijk (I11301) |
Birth of a sibling | December 1844 (Age 10) Brother: Klaas Harkes Boswijk (I08818) |
Death of a sibling | 5 February 1845 (Age 10) Brother: Klaas Harkes Boswijk (I08818) (Age approx. 2 months) |
Death of mother | 25 May 1845 (Age 11) Mother: Fennechien Hindriks Polter (I08805) (Age 40) |
Birth of a half-sibling | 26 May 1849 (Age 15) Half-Brother: Albert Boswijk (I08819) |
Birth of a half-sibling | 26 May 1849 (Age 15) Half-Sister: Maria Boswijk (I10651) |
Birth of a half-sibling | 17 October 1850 (Age 16) Half-Sister: Marchien Boswijk (I10653) |
Death of a sibling | 5 August 1851 (Age 17) Brother: Hindrik Harkes Boswijk (I11301) (Age 9) |
Death of a grand-parent | 24 September 1852 (Age 18) Grandmother: Pietertje Hindriks Schrage (I08803) (Age 82) |
Death of a grand-parent | 26 July 1855 (Age 21) Grandfather: Derk Geerts Boswijk (I08802) (Age 88) |
Death of father | 8 April 1857 (Age 23) Father: Harke Derks Boswijk (I08804) (Age 51) |
Marriage | 1 May 1858 (Age 24) Meint de Grooth Nieuwe Pekela, Pekela, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Marriage (Father bride) Archive location: Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Nieuwe Pekela Type of record: Marriage Certificate Record number: 31 Registration date: 01-05-1858 Bridegroom: Meint de Grooth Place of birth: Nieuwe Pekela Bride: Grietje Boswijk Place of birth: Nieuwe Pekela Father bridegroom: Willem Abrahams de Grooth Mother bridegroom: Antje Hindriks Gust Father bride: Harke Derks Boswijk Mother bride: Fennechien Hindriks Polter Additional information: profession bridegroom: dagloner; profession bride: zonder; profession vader bridegroom.: dagloner; profession moeder bridegroom: zonder; profession vader bride: landbouwer; profession moeder bride: landbouwster; bridegroom 28 jaar; bride 24 jaar |
Birth of a child #1 | 27 March 1859 (Age 25) Daughter: Antje de Grooth (I11302) |
Death | 5 April 1859 (Age 25) Nieuwe Pekela, Pekela, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Death (Father) Archive location: Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Nieuwe Pekela Type of record: Death Record number: 39 Registration date: 06-04-1859 Deceased: Grietje Boswijk Gender: V Date of death: 05-04-1859 Age: 25 Place of death: Nieuwe Pekela Father: Harke Derks Boswijk Mother: Fennechien Hindriks Polter Partner: Meint de Grooth Relationship: spouse Additional information: spouse is dagloner van profession; geboortepl: Nieuwe Pekela |
Last Change | 30 April 2016 - 12:54:35 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents |
Father |
Mother |
Brother |
Brother |
Brother |
Sister |
Brother |
Brother |
Brother |
Father's Family with Jantje Alberts Schrik |
Half-Brother |
Half-Sister |
Half-Sister |
Family with Meint de Grooth |
Husband |
Daughter |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |