Janna Kampinga (I08422)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 12 March 1864 Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands |
Birth of a sibling | 3 September 1865 (Age 17 months) Brother: Tamme Kampinga (I08424) |
Death of a sibling | 3 June 1866 (Age 2) Brother: Tamme Kampinga (I08424) (Age 9 months) |
Birth of a sibling | 26 September 1867 (Age 3) Sister: Aafke Kampinga (I20736) |
Birth of a sibling | 26 September 1867 (Age 3) Brother: Tamme Kampinga (I08425) |
Death of a sibling | 28 August 1868 (Age 4) Brother: Tamme Kampinga (I08425) (Age 11 months) |
Marriage | 16 May 1885 (Age 21) Gerben Beenes Ulrum, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Marriage (Father bride) Archive location: Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Ulrum Type of record: Marriage Certificate Record number: 15 Registration date: 16-05-1885 Bridegroom: Gerben Beenes Place of birth: Enkhuizen Bride: Janna Kampinga Place of birth: Kloosterburen Father bridegroom: Maarten Gerbens Beenes Mother bridegroom: Arendina Ennes Kraai Father bride: Klaas Kampinga Mother bride: Anje Rottema Additional information: profession bridegroom: boerenknecht; profession bride: dienstmeid; profession father of brideegom.: schipper; profession mother bridegroom: schippersche; profession father of bride: daglooner; profession mother bride: dagloonersche; bridegroom 24 jaar; bride 21 jaar |
Birth of a child #1 | 10 October 1885 (Age 21) Son: Marten Beenes (I12751) |
Birth of a child #2 | 11 December 1886 (Age 22) Son: Klaas Beenes (I12752) |
Birth of a child #3 | 27 August 1888 (Age 24) Son: Jan Beenes (I12753) |
Birth of a child #4 | 28 June 1890 (Age 26) Son: Arendt Beenes (I12754) |
Birth of a child #5 | 3 February 1892 (Age 27) Daughter: Anje Beenes (I08432) |
Birth of a child #6 | 22 October 1893 (Age 29) Daughter: Grietje Beenes (I08428) |
Birth of a child #7 | 17 October 1895 (Age 31) Daughter: Aafke Beenes (I08430) |
Birth of a child #8 | 26 October 1898 (Age 34) Son: Tamme Beenes (I12755) |
Birth of a child #9 | 3 December 1901 (Age 37) Son: Enne Beenes (I12756) |
Death | 30 January 1903 (Age 38) Houwerzijl, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Death Archive location: Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Ulrum Type of record: overlijden Record number: 3 Registration date: 31-01-1903 Deceased: Janna Kampinga Gender: V Date of death: 30-01-1903 Age: 38 Place of death: Houwerzijl gem. Ulrum Father: Klaas Kampinga Mother: Anje Bottema Partner: Gerben Beenes Relationship: echtgenote Additional information: geboortepl: Kloosterburen; beroep vader: daglooner; beroep moeder: dagloonersche. |
Last Change | 15 January 2007 - 10:36:35 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents |
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Brother |
Sister |
Brother |
Family with Gerben Beenes |
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Daughter |
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Son |
Son |
Son |
Son |
Son |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |