Source Text: Civil register - Death (Father)
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Kloosterburen
Type of record: Death
Record number: 18
Registration date: 02-09-1923
Deceased: Everdina Alida Margaretha Bloem
Gender: V
Date of death: 02-09-1923
Place of death: Molenrij
Father: Bernardus Bloem
Mother: Katharina Johanna Kauw
Additional information: birth place: Molenrij oud 6 week; profession vader: daglooner; profession mother: dagloonersche
Birth July 1923 -- Molenjri, De Marne, Groningen, Netherlands Death 2 September 1923 (Age approx. 2 months) -- Molenjri, De Marne, Groningen, Netherlands