Fennegien Engels Brouwer (I01602)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 28 February 1825 Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Birth Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Wildervank Type of record: geboorte Record number: 19 Registration date: 03-03-1825 Child Fennegien Brouwer Gender: V Abandoned child: N Date of birth: 28-02-1825 Place of birth: Wildervank Father Engel Jans Brouwer Mother Wemeltje Andries Mengeltje Additional information beroep vader: arbeider; |
Marriage | 22 July 1850 (Age 25) Eilt Paulus Zijlstra Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Source Civil register - Marriage (Mother groom) Archive location: Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Wildervank Type of record: Marriage Certificate Record number: 44 Registration date: 22-07-1850 Bridegroom: Eilt Zijlstra Place of birth: Veendam Bride: Fennegien Brouwer Place of birth: Wildervank Father bridegroom: Paulus Pieters Zijlstra Mother bridegroom: Jantje Eilts Stuit Father bride: Engel Jans Brouwer Mother bride: Wemeltje Andries Mengeltje |
Birth of a child #1 | 25 October 1850 (Age 25) Daughter: Jantje Zijlstra (I04675) |
Birth of a child #2 | 5 October 1852 (Age 27) Son: Hendrik Zijlstra (I05749) |
Death of a child | 9 October 1852 (Age 27) Son: Hendrik Zijlstra (I05749) (Age 4 days) |
Birth of a child #3 | 1 September 1853 (Age 28) Daughter: Wemelina Zijlstra (I01612) |
Death of a child | 5 February 1855 (Age 29) Daughter: Jantje Zijlstra (I04675) (Age 4) |
Birth of a child #4 | 24 October 1855 (Age 30) Son: Paulus Zijlstra (I05781) |
Birth of a child #5 | 10 October 1857 (Age 32) Daughter: Jantje Zijlstra (I05813) |
Death of a child | 26 February 1858 (Age 32) Son: Paulus Zijlstra (I05781) (Age 2) |
Death of a child | 25 June 1858 (Age 33) Daughter: Jantje Zijlstra (I05813) (Age 8 months) |
Birth of a child #6 | 30 October 1858 (Age 33) Son: Pieter Zijlstra (I05845) |
Birth of a child #7 | 17 April 1861 (Age 36) Daughter: Engelina Zijlstra (I05877) |
Birth of a child #8 | 17 April 1861 (Age 36) Daughter: Willemtje Zijlstra (I05909) |
Death of a child | 26 May 1861 (Age 36) Daughter: Engelina Zijlstra (I05877) (Age 1 month) |
Death of a child | 23 April 1862 (Age 37) Daughter: Willemtje Zijlstra (I05909) (Age 12 months) |
Birth of a child #9 | 11 January 1864 (Age 38) Son: Engel Zijlstra (I05941) |
Death of a child | 18 October 1864 (Age 39) Son: Pieter Zijlstra (I05845) (Age 5) |
Death of a child | 11 July 1866 (Age 41) Son: Engel Zijlstra (I05941) (Age 2) |
Birth of a child #10 | 26 January 1868 (Age 42) Son: Jan Zijlstra (I01603) |
Birth of a grandchild #1 | 12 March 1883 (Age 58) Grandson: Jan Lamein (I01614) |
Birth of a grandchild #2 | 13 October 1887 (Age 62) Grandson: Arend Lamein (I26689) |
Death of a grandchild | 3 February 1888 (Age 62) Grandson: Arend Lamein (I26689) (Age 3 months) |
Birth of a grandchild #3 | 3 February 1889 (Age 63) Grandson: Eilt Lamein (I01617) |
Death of spouse | 19 October 1891 (Age 66) Spouse: Eilt Paulus Zijlstra (I01601) (Age 66) |
Birth of a grandchild #4 | 20 March 1894 (Age 69) Granddaughter: Fennechie Lamein (I26690) |
Death of a grandchild | 12 February 1895 (Age 69) Granddaughter: Fennechie Lamein (I26690) (Age 10 months) |
Birth of a grandchild #5 | 2 March 1896 (Age 71) Grandson: Eilt Zijlstra (I01605) |
Birth of a grandchild #6 | 14 April 1896 (Age 71) Granddaughter: Fennechie Lamein (I01620) |
Birth of a grandchild #7 | 14 July 1897 (Age 72) Granddaughter: Klaartje Zijlstra (I01607) |
Birth of a grandchild #8 | 28 April 1899 (Age 74) Granddaughter: Fennechien Zijlstra (I01609) |
Birth of a grandchild #9 | 23 September 1900 (Age 75) Granddaughter: Jantina Zijlstra (I20774) |
Birth of a grandchild #10 | 8 July 1902 (Age 77) Granddaughter: Wemelina Zijlstra (I20775) |
Birth of a grandchild #11 | 2 February 1905 (Age 79) Grandson: Harm Zijlstra (I20776) |
Death | 6 August 1908 (Age 83) Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Death Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Wildervank Type of record: overlijden Record number: 95 Registration date: 08-08-1908 Deceased Fennegien Brouwer Gender: V Date of death: 06-08-1908 Age: 83 Place of death: Wildervank Father Engel Jans Brouwer Mother Wemeltje Andries Mengeltje Partner Eilt Zijlstra Relationship: weduwe Additional information geboortepl: Wildervank |
Last Change | 25 October 2009 - 13:23:20 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Eilt Paulus Zijlstra |
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Son |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |