Simon Pieter Brouwer (I27968)
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Birth | 18 November 1898 Oud en Nieuw Gastel, Halderberge, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum Source Text: Child:Simon Pieter Brouwer Date of birth:Friday, November 18, 1898 Father:Simon Brouwer Mother:Lucia Petronella Huijtker Event:Birth Date:Friday, November 18, 1898 Source type:Birth certificate Organisation:Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum Place:'s-Hertogenbosch Collection region:Noord-Brabant Archive:50 Registration number:2647 Record number:154 Record date:1898 Record place:Oud en Nieuw Gastel Collection:Bron: boek, Deel: 2647, Periode: 1898 Book:Geboorteregister Oud en Nieuw Gastel 1898 |
Birth of a sibling | 10 December 1899 (Age 12 months) Brother: Jan George Brouwer (I27966) |
Birth of a sibling | c. 1902 (Age 4) Sister: Annechiena Hendrika Brouwer (I27969) |
Birth of a sibling | 8 May 1908 (Age 9) Sister: Adriana Maria Leentje Brouwer (I27967) |
Death of a father's sibling | 25 November 1913 (Age 15) Uncle: Eilt Brouwer (I01948) (Age 51) |
Death of a father's sibling | 12 May 1920 (Age 21) Uncle: Pieter Brouwer (I01946) (Age 62) |
Death of a father's sibling | 27 December 1922 (Age 24) Uncle: Hendrik Brouwer (I01947) (Age 62) |
Death of a father's sibling | 27 October 1927 (Age 28) Uncle: Tjakke Brouwer (I01949) (Age 62) |
Death of a father's sibling | 30 April 1937 (Age 38) Uncle: Klaas Brouwer (I01953) (Age 61) |
Death of a father's sibling | 14 July 1944 (Age 45) Uncle: Hergen Brouwer (I01951) (Age 72) |
Last Change | 13 May 2016 - 07:46:07 Last changed by: Admin |
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