| Events of close relatives |
Birth | 6 May 1905 Ter Apelkanaal, Vlagtwedde, Groningen, Netherlands
Source: Birth Register - Groningen, NetherlandsSource Text: Child: Margje Wijnsema
Gender: Woman
Place of birth: Ter Apelkanaal gem. Vlagtwedde
Date of birth: Saturday, May 06, 1905
Father: Lambertus Wijnsema
Age: 24
Occupation: verver
Mother: Frederika Saadhoff
Event: Geboorte
Date: Saturday, May 06, 1905
Source type: BS Geboorte
Organisation: Groninger Archieven
Place: Groningen
Collection region: Groningen
Record number: 105
Record date: 8 May 1905
Record place: Vlagtwedde |
Birth of a sibling | 10 August 1907 (Age 2) Sister: Antje Wijnsema (I24909) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a sibling | 5 October 1909 (Age 4) Sister: Johanna Gezina Wijnsema (I24910) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a sibling | 18 December 1911 (Age 6) Brother: Pieter Roelof Wijnsema (I24912) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of a sibling | 22 April 1913 (Age 7) Sister: Johanna Gezina Wijnsema (I24910) (Age 3) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of a father's sibling | 29 November 1918 (Age 13) Uncle: Jan Wijnsema (I01559) (Age 39) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a sibling | 10 January 1920 (Age 14) Brother: Roelof Jan Wijnsema (I26477) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of a grand-parent | 5 December 1923 (Age 18) Grandmother: Margje Bosselaar (I01556) (Age 70) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of a grand-parent | 28 March 1925 (Age 19) Grandfather: Pieter Wijnsema (I01555) (Age 75) - [Relationship Chart]
Marriage | 14 March 1928 (Age 22) Jan van Dam - [View Family (F8853)]
Vlagtwedde, Vlagtwedde, Groningen, Netherlands
Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, NetherlandsSource Text: Groom: Jan van Dam
Place of birth: Haren
Occupation: Koopman
Father of the groom: Hindrik van Dam
Occupation: Koopman
Mother of the groom: IJfke Brand
Bride: Margje Wijnsema
Place of birth: Vlagtwedde
Father of the bride: Lambertus Wijnsema
Occupation: Schilder
Mother of the bride: Frederika Saadhoff
Event: Huwelijk
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 1928
Source type: BS Huwelijk
Organisation: Groninger Archieven
Place: Groningen
Collection region: Groningen
Record number: 17
Record date: 14 March 1928
Record place: Vlagtwedde
Book: Huwelijksregister 1928
Record type: huwelijk |
Death of mother | 11 January 1956 (Age 50) Mother: Frederika Saadhoff (I03327) (Age 75) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of father | 25 January 1959 (Age 53) Father: Lambertus Wijnsema (I01560) (Age 78) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of a father's sibling | December 1972 (Age 67) Aunt: Jantje Wijnsema (I01563) (Age 85) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of a father's sibling | 11 January 1973 (Age 67) Aunt: Helena Wijnsema (I01564) (Age 82) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of a sibling | 24 January 1989 (Age 83) Brother: Pieter Roelof Wijnsema (I24912) (Age 77) - [Relationship Chart]
Death | 28 July 1991 (Age 86) Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Last Change | 26 February 2016 - 12:08:23 Last changed by: Admin