Annigje Veldkamp (I24878)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 26 February 1911 Emmen, Emmen, Drenthe, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Drenthe, Netherlands Source Text: Child: Annigje Veldkamp Gender: Woman Date of birth: Sunday, February 26, 1911 Father: Hendrik Veldkamp Gender: Male Age: 29 Occupation: Schipper Mother: Ebelina Ruiter Gender: Woman Occupation: zonder Event: Geboorte Event place: Emmen Source type: BS Geboorte Organisation: Drents Archief Place: Assen Collection region: Drenthe Archive: 0165.010 Registration number: 1911 Record number: 184 Record date: 27 February 1911 Record place: Emmen Record type: Geboorte Comment: woonplaats Assen |
Death of a mother's sibling | 22 February 1916 (Age 4) Uncle: Jint de Ruiter (I01667) (Age 40) |
Death of a grand-parent | 22 January 1926 (Age 14) Grandfather: Harm Ruiter (I01665) (Age 83) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 13 May 1929 (Age 18) Uncle: Hendrik Matheus Ruiter (I01670) (Age 51) |
Death of a grand-parent | 19 April 1934 (Age 23) Grandmother: Annechien Jans Wijngaard (I01244) (Age 84) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 12 July 1934 (Age 23) Uncle: Jan Ruiter (I16849) (Age 63) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 18 December 1935 (Age 24) Aunt: Harmanna Annechina Ruiter (I01675) (Age 51) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 8 September 1951 (Age 40) Aunt: Reina Ruiter (I01668) (Age 74) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 12 November 1952 (Age 41) Aunt: Alida Jantina Ruiter (I01666) (Age 80) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 14 July 1959 (Age 48) Aunt: Ida Ruiter (I01673) (Age 78) |
Death of father | 18 November 1969 (Age 58) Father: Hendrik Veldkamp (I04711) (Age 88) |
Death of mother | 15 October 1970 (Age 59) Mother: Ebelina Ruiter (I01674) (Age 87) |
Last Change | 22 March 2014 - 10:22:22 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents |
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