Simon de Vries (I24144)
Personal Facts and Details
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 2 February 1855 Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Child: Simon de Vries Gender: Male Place of birth: Groningen Date of birth: Friday, February 02, 1855 Father: Klaas de Vries Age: 25 Occupation: Landbouwer Mother: Roelfke Koopman Age: 21 Event: Geboorte Date: Friday, February 02, 1855 Source type: BS Geboorte Organisation: Groninger Archieven Place: Groningen Collection region: Groningen Record number: 111 Record date: 5 February 1855 Record place: Groningen Collection: Bron: boek, Periode: 1855 Book: Geboorteregister 1855 Record type: normaal |
Death of a mother's sibling | 7 November 1855 (Age 9 months) Aunt: Hillechien Pieters Koopman (I24102) (Age 28) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 24 December 1856 (Age 22 months) Sister: Pieterke de Vries (I24145) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 17 October 1858 (Age 3) Sister: Jantje de Vries (I24147) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 11 January 1861 (Age 5) Sister: Harmina de Vries (I24148) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 19 March 1864 (Age 9) Brother: Simon de Vries (I24149) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 9 January 1866 (Age 10) Grandmother: Pietje Roelfs Rozema (I24093) (Age approx. 69) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 30 March 1866 (Age 11) Sister: Aaltje de Vries (I24150) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 28 April 1869 (Age 14) Sister: Hillechien de Vries (I24151) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a sibling | 23 October 1872 (Age 17) Sister: Harmina de Vries (I24148) (Age 11) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a sibling | 5 May 1878 (Age 23) Sister: Pieterke de Vries (I24145) (Age 21) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a sibling | 7 November 1896 (Age 41) Sister: Jantje de Vries (I24147) (Age 38) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a sibling | 17 December 1927 (Age 72) Sister: Aaltje de Vries (I24150) (Age 61) - [Relationship Chart] |
Last Change | 13 February 2014 - 19:02:23 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents - [View Family (F8559)] |
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