Source Text: Civil register - Marriage
Archive location Drents Archief
General Number of finding aid: 0166.033
Item number: 1930
Municipality: Zuidwolde
Type of record: Huwelijksakte
Record number: 24
Registration date: 16-05-1930
Groom Lourens Akkerman
Age: 26
Place of birth: Appingedam
Occupation: stationsarbeider
Bride Berendina Meester
Age: 20
Place of birth: Giethoorn
Occupation: dienstbode
Father groom Jan Akkerman
Occupation: arbeider
Mother groom Trijntje Hut
Occupation: zonder
Father bride Gerrit Meester
Occupation: landarbeider
Mother bride Hermina Nijhuis
Occupation: zonder