Wilhelmus Lourentius van der Laan (I22362)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 25 March 1905 Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Birth Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Kloosterburen Type of record: geboorte Record number: 17 Registration date: 25-03-1905 Child Wilhelmus Lourentius van der Laan Gender: M Abandoned child: N Date of birth: 25-03-1905 Place of birth: Kloosterburen Father Gerhardus van der Laan Mother Jurrena Stiekema Additional information beroep vader: daglooner; |
Death of a mother's sibling | 10 September 1905 (Age 5 months) Aunt: Anna Stiekema (I06516) (Age 25) |
Birth of a sibling | 24 December 1915 (Age 10) Brother: Lourentius van der Laan (I06807) |
Death of a sibling | 5 January 1916 (Age 10) Brother: Lourentius van der Laan (I06807) (Age 12 days) |
Death of a grand-parent | 9 September 1919 (Age 14) Grandmother: Katharina Halsema (I06499) (Age 74) |
Death of a grand-parent | 26 April 1927 (Age 22) Grandfather: Luurtius Stiekema (I06498) (Age 75) |
Death of mother | 6 February 1939 (Age 33) Mother: Jurrena Stiekema (I06519) (Age 56) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 31 December 1949 (Age 44) Uncle: Kornelis Luurt Stiekema (I06521) (Age 72) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 9 December 1954 (Age 49) Aunt: Regina Stiekema (I06514) (Age 78) |
Death of father | 26 November 1962 (Age 57) Father: Gerhardus van der Laan (I06520) (Age 88) |
Last Change | 2 January 2011 - 17:30:07 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents |
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Mother |
Brother |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |