Johannes Albertus Wijninga (I18386)
Personal Facts and Details
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 1914 |
Death of mother | 5 October 1920 (Age 6) Mother: Lolkje Slijfer (I08539) (Age 45) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 31 May 1934 (Age 20) Grandmother: Trientje Bottema (I03929) (Age 85) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 20 December 1938 (Age 24) Grandfather: Jacobus Wijninga (I03930) (Age 98) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a sibling | 20 December 1944 (Age 30) Sister: Frederica Catharina Wijninga (I18796) (Age 37) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a child #1 | |
Birth of a child #2 | |
Birth of a child #3 | |
Birth of a child #4 | |
Death of father | 2 April 1955 (Age 41) Father: Johannes Wijninga (I08538) (Age 78) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a child #5 | |
Death of a father's sibling | 26 March 1969 (Age 55) Aunt: Henderika Wijninga (I08186) (Age 90) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a grandchild #1 | |
Birth of a grandchild #2 | |
Birth of a grandchild #3 | |
Death of a sibling | 25 August 1990 (Age 76) Sister: Catharina Jahanna Wijninga (I18384) (Age 80) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a grandchild #4 | |
Death of a sibling | 30 October 1992 (Age 78) Brother: Jacobus Johannes Wijninga (I18378) (Age 88) - [Relationship Chart] |
Last Change | 20 January 2008 - 16:59:42 Last changed by: Admin |
There are no Notes for this individual. |
There are no Source citations for this individual. |
There are no media objects for this individual. |
Family with Parents - [View Family (F3384)] |
Family with Johanna Wennekers - [View Family (F6865)] |
Wife | |||
Child |
Child |
Child |
Child |
Child |
Research Assistant
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |