Dora Bottema (I17219)
Personal Facts and Details
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 1911 Iowa |
Death of a father's sibling | 1917 (Age 6) Uncle: Wilhelmus Bottema (I08362) (Age 43) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of mother | 17 February 1917 (Age 6) Mother: Ettje Isebrands (I17216) (Age 40) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a father's sibling | 26 November 1918 (Age 7) Uncle: Rienard Bottema (I17134) (Age 46) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a half-sibling | |
Death of a father's sibling | 14 October 1933 (Age 22) Uncle: Theodore Bottema (I17135) (Age 56) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a father's sibling | 15 January 1968 (Age 57) Uncle: Johannes Bottema (I08364) (Age 89) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a sibling | 6 October 1990 (Age 79) Brother: Jan J. Bottema (I17218) (Age 86) - [Relationship Chart] |
Last Change | 27 October 2007 - 20:17:55 Last changed by: Admin |
There are no Notes for this individual. |
There are no Source citations for this individual. |
There are no media objects for this individual. |
Family with Parents - [View Family (F6458)] |
Father |
Mother |
Brother |
Father's Family with Jennie Limberg - [View Family (F6459)] |
Half-Sibling |
Research Assistant
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |