Johannes Robrock (I14582)
Personal Facts and Details
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 19 January 1870 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana |
Death of a grand-parent | 30 May 1872 (Age 2) Grandmother: Anna Eilderts Durenkamp (I14356) (Age 56) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 1873 (Age 3) Brother: Henry H. Robrock (I14583) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 21 August 1875 (Age 5) Sister: Elizabeth H. Robrock (I14587) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 20 November 1877 (Age 7) Brother: Herman Robrock (I14591) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a mother's sibling | 10 November 1884 (Age 14) Uncle: Johannes Stok (I14476) (Age 44) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 7 July 1887 (Age 17) Sister: Mary Louise Robrock (I14595) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death | 18 December 1890 (Age 20) Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana |
Last Change | 2 March 2007 - 14:53:56 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents - [View Family (F5556)] |
Research Assistant
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