Christiaan Joosten (I13055)
Personal Facts and Details
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 9 April 1819 Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Birth Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Wildervank Type of record: geboorte Record number: 36 Registration date: 15-04-1819 Child Christiaan Joosten Gender: M Abandoned child: N Date of birth: 09-04-1819 Place of birth: Wildervank Father Hindrik Jacobs Joosten Mother Hinderkien Christaans Slof |
Death of a grand-parent | 10 August 1823 (Age 4) Grandfather: Jacob Jans Joosten (I02250) (Age 76) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 1 September 1824 (Age 5) Grandmother: Annigje Jurjens Drenth (I02251) (Age 74) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 1827 (Age 8) Brother: Jan Hendriks Joosten (I13053) - [Relationship Chart] |
Marriage | 23 May 1850 (Age 31) Willemtje Smit - [View Family (F5005)]
Hoogezand, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Marriage Archive location: Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Hoogezand Type of record: Huwelijksakte Record number: 22 Registration date: 23-05-1850 Groom: Christiaan Joosten Date of birth: 09-04-1819 Place of birth: Wildervank Bride: Willemtje Smit Date of birth: 23-03-1820 Place of birth: Kiel Father groom: Hindrik Jacobs Joosten Mother groom: Hinderkien Christiaans Slof Father bride: Hindrik Aljes Smit Mother bride: Jantje Alberts Meijering Additional information: beroep bruidegom: boerenknecht; beroep vader bruidegom.: schipper; beroep moeder bruidegom: schipperse; beroep vader bruid: landbouwer; beroep moeder bruid: landbouwerse |
Birth of a child #1 | 1856 (Age 37) Daughter: Hinderika Joosten (I13059) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a child | 18 March 1859 (Age 39) Daughter: Hinderika Joosten (I13059) (Age 3) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a child #2 | 1860 (Age 41) Son: Jacob Joosten (I13060) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a father's sibling | 4 January 1860 (Age 40) Aunt: Geertje Jacobs Joosten (I00066) (Age 83) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of mother | 2 October 1860 (Age 41) Mother: Hindrikkien Christiaans Slof (I13052) (Age 72) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of father | 29 September 1862 (Age 43) Father: Hindrik Jacobs Joosten (I13051) (Age 74) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a father's sibling | 23 March 1866 (Age 46) Uncle: Jan Jacobs Joosten (I12924) (Age 85) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death | 28 October 1883 (Age 64) Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Het Utrechts, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Death Archive location Het Utrechts Archief General Number of finding aid: 481 Item number: 460 Municipality: Utrecht Type of record: Overlijdensakte Record number: 1693 Registration date: 30-10-1883 Deceased Jacob Joosten Gender: M Date of death: 28-10-1883 Age: 23 Place of death: Utrecht Father Christiaan Hendrik Joosten Mother Willempje Smit Partner Relationship: ongehuwd |
Last Change | 12 October 2009 - 12:42:48 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents - [View Family (F5003)] |
Family with Willemtje Smit - [View Family (F5005)] |
Wife |
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