Harvey Landstra (I12347)
Personal Facts and Details
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 13 March 1907 Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan |
Birth of a sibling | 1913 (Age 6) Sister: Jeanette Landstra (I12348) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 14 July 1913 (Age 6) Grandmother: Jantje Rozeboom (I03796) (Age 66) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | about 1914 (Age approx. 7) Grandfather: Harm Landstra (I03795) (Age approx. 62) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 1915 (Age 8) Sister: Margaret Landstra (I12349) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | 5 September 1917 (Age 10) Brother: Nicholas Landstra (I12350) - [Relationship Chart] |
Birth of a sibling | |
Birth of a sibling | |
Marriage | 30 October 1930 (Age 23) Hilda Mae Holben - [View Family (F7087)]
Michigan |
Death | 21 February 1966 (Age 58) Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan |
Last Change | 24 August 2008 - 17:18:06 Last changed by: Admin |
There are no Notes for this individual. |
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Family with Parents - [View Family (F4781)] |
Family with Hilda Mae Holben - [View Family (F7087)] |
Wife |
Research Assistant
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |