Wiecher Egberts Woltman (I11592)
Personal Facts and Details
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Birth | 13 August 1827 Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Birth Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Veendam Type of record: geboorte Record number: 97 Registration date: 13-08-1827 Child Wiecher Woltman Gender: M Abandoned child: N Date of birth: 13-08-1827 Place of birth: Veendam Father Egbert Wichers Woltman Mother Geertje Rotgers Westveld Additional information beroep vader: zeeman; |
Birth of a sibling | 17 July 1832 (Age 4) Brother: Rutgert Woltman (I03908) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death | 15 July 1856 (Age 28) Batavia Source: Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Utah Note: Family History Library - Salt Lake City, Utah FHL#235770, Veendam Birth, Death and Marriages (Certified military death certificate) Source: Death Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Death Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Veendam Type of record: overlijden Record number: s2 Registration date: 03-04-1857 Deceased Wieger Egberts Woltman Gender: M Date of death: 05-07-1856 Age: 28 Place of death: Batavia Father Wieger Egberts Mother Geertje Rutgers Westveld Partner Additional information elders overleden; a/b Anna en Elize. Supp.reg. 1843-1861; geboortepl: Veendam; beroep overl.: matroos |
Last Change | 6 February 2011 - 09:32:01 Last changed by: Admin |
Note |
Extract of Military Death: Uit het Sterf Register van het Jaar achttien honderd zes en fifty blijkt, dat op den 15 July 1856 te Batavia in het militaire hospi. is overleden Wieger, Eberts, Woltman oud achten twintig Yaren, en leven Hastroos aan board van het Niederlandsch schip Anna en Elize gebaren to Veendam in Nederland laatst gewaand te Veendam in Nederlands. Zoon van Wieger Egberts en van Geertje Ruitgers Westveld woonplaats te unbehend was angehiund. Het bovenstaande Extract verklaar ik, ondergeteekende, Secretaris tevens Ambtenaar van den Burgerlijken Stand der Residentie Batavia, overeenkomstig aan het gemelde register to zijn. Batavia, den 8 August 1800 zes en vijftig. Gezien voor legalisatie der bovenstaande handteekening van Adolphe, Titz Verploegh. Secretaris en Ambtenaar van den Bergerlijken Stand der Rasidentie Batavia, door ons, President van den Raad van Justitie te Batavia. English Translation: From register dies of the year eighteen hundred six and fifty prove to be, which Wieger deceased on 15 July 1856 at Batavia in the military hospital, is died. Wieger, Eberts, Woltman old considers and twenty years, and lives Hastroos to board of the Niederlandsch ship Anna and Elize gestures to Veendam in the Netherlands last imagined at Veendam in Dutch. Son of Wieger Egberts and of Geertje Ruitgers Westveld place of residence at unbehend was known angehuins. The above extract explains I, tevens civil servant of pine Burgerlijken score to ondergeteekende, secretary of the residentie Batavia, in accordance with to the communicated register to is. Batavia, 8 August 1800 six and fifty. Given for notarisation of the above handteekening of Adolphe, Titz Verploegh. Secretary and civil servant of Bergerlijken score of the Rasidentie Batavia, our, president of Council of justice at Batavia. |
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