Jan Pals (I09411)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 20 April 1889 Vlagtwedde, Vlagtwedde, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Cemetery Listing - Emmer Compascuum, Emmen, Netherlands |
Birth of a sibling | 7 May 1897 (Age 8) Brother: Andries Pals (I09413) |
Birth of a sibling | 1 February 1900 (Age 10) Sister: Aaltje Pals (I09415) |
Death of a grand-parent | 22 April 1907 (Age 18) Grandmother: Aaltje Baas (I09405) (Age 73) |
Marriage | 2 April 1908 (Age 18) Grietje Dost Emmen, Emmen, Drenthe, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Drenthe, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Marriage (Father groom) Archive location: Drents Archief General Number of finding aid: 0166.010 Item number: 1908 Municipality: Emmen Type of record: Marriage Certificate Record number: 61 Registration date: 02-04-1908 Bridegroom: Jan Pals Place of birth: Vlagtwedde Bride: Grietje Dost Place of birth: Vlagtwedde Father bridegroom: Auke Pals Mother bridegroom: Annechien Trip Father bride: NN NN Mother bride: Johanna Dost Additional information: bridegroom: 18 jaar.; bride: 19 jaar.; voogd van de bride Gerhardus Johannes Emmerink; toeziend voogd van de bride Reinder Mascl¿ |
Birth of a child #1 | 30 July 1908 (Age 19) Son: Auke Pals (I23980) |
Death of mother | 20 July 1910 (Age 21) Mother: Annechien Trip (I09409) (Age 44) |
Birth of a child #2 | 29 June 1911 (Age 22) Daughter: Johanna Pals (I23981) |
Death of a grand-parent | 31 January 1922 (Age 32) Grandfather: Jan Trip (I09406) (Age 83) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 12 June 1937 (Age 48) Uncle: Hendrik Trip (I09424) (Age 66) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 5 March 1941 (Age 51) Uncle: Roelof Trip (I09417) (Age 71) |
Death of father | 4 April 1948 (Age 58) Father: Auke Pals (I09410) (Age 85) |
Death of spouse | 3 August 1960 (Age 71) Spouse: Grietje Dost (I09412) (Age 71) |
Death | 2 June 1970 (Age 81) Source: Cemetery Listing - Emmer Compascuum, Emmen, Netherlands |
Burial | 1970 Emmer Compascuum, Emmen, Drenthe, Netherlands Source: Cemetery Listing - Emmer Compascuum, Emmen, Netherlands |
There are no Notes for this individual. |
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There are no media objects for this individual. |
Family with Parents |
Father |
Mother |
Brother |
Sister |
Family with Grietje Dost |
Wife |
Son |
Daughter |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |