Source Text: Civil register - Birth
Archive location Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Kloosterburen
Type of record: geboorte
Record number: 65
Registration date: 08-09-1880
Child Barbera Maria Elizabeth Schoffelmeer
Gender: V
Abandoned child: N
Date of birth: 08-09-1880
Place of birth: Kloosterburen
Father Johannes Schoffelmeer
Mother Bouwina Stiekema
Additional information beroep vader: daglooner;
Source Text: Civil register - Death (Mother)
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Kloosterburen
Type of record: Death
Record number: 10
Registration date: 22-04-1882
Deceased: Barbara Maria Elizabeth Schoffelmeer
Gender: V
Date of death: 20-04-1882
Place of death: Kloosterburen
Father: Johannes Schoffelmeer
Mother: Bouwina Stiekema
Additional information: birth place: Kloosterburen oud 19 maand; profession vader: daglooner; profession mother: dagloonster