Willem Buisman (I04564)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 18 November 1914 Groningen, Grongingen, Groningen, Netherlands |
Death of a grand-parent | 16 May 1928 (Age 13) Grandmother: Hinderkie Hindriks Blaak (I01460) (Age 80) |
Death of a grand-parent | 25 March 1931 (Age 16) Grandfather: Albert Jan Dijkema (I02678) (Age 84) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 10 February 1949 (Age 34) Uncle: Hendrik Dijkema (I02680) (Age 69) |
Death of a sibling | 25 January 1962 (Age 47) Sister: Martje Buisman (I04559) (Age 52) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 28 September 1965 (Age 50) Uncle: Jan Dijkema (I02679) (Age 88) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 11 January 1977 (Age 62) Aunt: Getruida Dijkema (I02683) (Age 90) |
Death | 1 October 1980 (Age 65) Groningen, Grongingen, Groningen, Netherlands |
There are no Notes for this individual. |
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There are no media objects for this individual. |
Family with Parents |
Father |
Mother |
Sister |
Brother |
Sister |
Family with (unknown) Nijdam |
Wife |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |