William Bieze (I04037)
Personal Facts and Details
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 3 December 1920 Chicago, Cook, Illinois |
Death of a grand-parent | 11 February 1922 (Age 14 months) Great-grandfather: Geuchien Hinderikus Bieze (I01361) (Age 80) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 25 July 1924 (Age 3) Great-grandmother: Janke Buwalda (I01362) (Age 81) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 6 January 1927 (Age 6) Grandmother: Stijn Ossentjuk (I03968) (Age 60) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a grand-parent | 1944 (Age 24) Grandfather: Henderikus Harm Bieze (I02191) (Age 78) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of father | 1957 (Age 37) Father: George Bieze (I03970) (Age 63) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a father's sibling | 1970 (Age 50) Aunt: Jeanette Bieze (I03969) (Age 80) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death of a sibling | March 1976 (Age 55) Brother: Henry Bieze (I03979) (Age 61) - [Relationship Chart] |
Death | May 1978 (Age 57) Hampton, Hampton City, Virginia Source: USA Social Security Death Index Source Text: Name: William Bieze SSN: 312-18-5098 Last Residence: 53140 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States of America Born: 3 Dec 1920 Last Benefit: 23669 Hampton, Hampton City, Virginia, United States of America Died: May 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951 ) Note: USA Social Security Death Index Name: William Bieze SSN: 312-18-5098 Last Residence: 53140 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States of America Born: 3 Dec 1920 Last Benefit: 23669 Hampton, Hampton City, Virginia, United States of America Died: May 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951 ). |
Social Security Number | 312-18-5098 |
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Family with Parents - [View Family (F1737)] |
Research Assistant
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