Klasina Pieterdina Kostwinder (I02185)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 23 December 1893 Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands |
Birth of a sibling | 27 August 1895 (Age 20 months) Brother: Harm Kostwinder (I20257) |
Death of a sibling | 29 August 1895 (Age 20 months) Brother: Harm Kostwinder (I20257) (Age 2 days) |
Birth of a sibling | 26 August 1896 (Age 2) Brother: Harm Kostwinder (I02186) |
Birth of a sibling | 10 February 1899 (Age 5) Brother: Lammert Kostwinder (I02187) |
Birth of a sibling | 19 June 1901 (Age 7) Brother: Henderikus Kostwinder (I20252) |
Birth of a sibling | 25 August 1903 (Age 9) Sister: Jacobina Kostwinder (I20253) |
Birth of a sibling | March 1906 (Age 12) Sister: Hinderkien Kostwinder (I20256) |
Death of a sibling | 13 August 1906 (Age 12) Sister: Hinderkien Kostwinder (I20256) (Age approx. 5 months) |
Birth of a sibling | April 1910 (Age 16) Brother: Arend Kostwinder (I20255) |
Death of a sibling | 19 August 1910 (Age 16) Brother: Arend Kostwinder (I20255) (Age approx. 4 months) |
Death of a grand-parent | 24 August 1910 (Age 16) Grandmother: Hindrikje Lamain (I01374) (Age 65) |
Birth of a sibling | 11 May 1912 (Age 18) Sister: Hinderkien Kostwinder (I04682) |
Marriage | 19 December 1914 (Age 20) Arend Pieters Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Groom: Arend Pieters Place of birth: Windeweer gem. Hoogezand Occupation: fabrieksarbeider Father of the groom: Geert Pieters Occupation: boerenarbeider Mother of the groom: Jantje Lamein Bride: Klasina Pieterdina Kostwinder Place of birth: Veendam Father of the bride: Hiddo Kostwinder Occupation: fabrieksarbeider Mother of the bride: Wiechertje Loots Event: Huwelijk Date: Saturday, December 19, 1914 Source type: BS Huwelijk Organisation: Groninger Archieven Place: Groningen Collection region: Groningen Record number: 90 Record date: 19 December 1914 Record place: Veendam Collection: Bron: boek, Periode: 1914 Book: Huwelijksregister 1914 Record type: huwelijk Comment: bruidegom 23 jaar; bruid 20 jaar; wettiging 1 kind |
Birth of a child #1 | 20 May 1916 (Age 22) Son: Hiddo Pieters (I20258) |
Birth of a child #2 | 23 October 1917 (Age 23) Son: Geert Pieters (I20259) |
Death of a child | 23 December 1917 (Age 24) Son: Geert Pieters (I20259) (Age 2 months) |
Death of a child | 21 January 1919 (Age 25) Son: Hiddo Pieters (I20258) (Age 2) |
Death of a grand-parent | 6 February 1924 (Age 30) Grandfather: Harm Loots (I01375) (Age 81) |
Death of mother | 31 March 1931 (Age 37) Mother: Wichertje Loots (I02183) (Age 58) |
Death of father | 29 March 1932 (Age 38) Father: Hiddo Kostwinder (I02184) (Age 63) |
Death of a sibling | 6 January 1936 (Age 42) Brother: Henderikus Kostwinder (I20252) (Age 34) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 21 December 1949 (Age 55) Aunt: Jacobina Loots (I02188) (Age 72) |
Death of a sibling | 20 August 1950 (Age 56) Sister: Jacobina Kostwinder (I20253) (Age 46) |
Death | 8 July 1963 (Age 69) |
Burial | Hoogezand Stillehof, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Cemetery Tombstone Photo - graftombe.nl |
Last Change | 29 November 2007 - 12:17:08 Last changed by: Admin |
There are no Notes for this individual. |
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Family with Parents |
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Brother |
Brother |
Brother |
Brother |
Sister |
Sister |
Brother |
Sister |
Family with Arend Pieters |
Husband |
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Son |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |