Hilbrand Ottens (I01663)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 13 August 1900 Hoogezand, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Child: Hilbrand Ottens Gender: Male Place of birth: A/b schip te Hoogezand Date of birth: Monday, August 13, 1900 Father: Kars Ottens Age: 44 Occupation: binnenschipper Mother: Ida Wijngaard Event: Geboorte Date: Monday, August 13, 1900 Source type: BS Geboorte Organisation: Groninger Archieven Place: Groningen Collection region: Groningen Record number: 213 Record date: 13 August 1900 Record place: Hoogezand Collection: Bron: boek, Periode: 1900 Book: Geboorteregister 1900 Comment: ouders wonen te Groningen |
Death of a grand-parent | 29 October 1902 (Age 2) Grandmother: Reina Zoutkamp (I01243) (Age 74) |
Death of a grand-parent | 12 February 1908 (Age 7) Grandfather: Jan Ruurts Wijngaard (I01242) (Age 80) |
Marriage | 26 March 1921 (Age 20) Aaltje Kruizinga Onstwedde, Stadskanaal, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Source Civil register - Marriage (Mother groom) Archive location: Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Onstwedde Type of record: Marriage Certificate Record number: 45 Registration date: 26-03-1921 Bridegroom: Hilbrand Ottens Place of birth: Hoogezand Bride: Aaltje Kruizinga Place of birth: Onstwedde Father bridegroom: Kars Ottens Mother bridegroom: Ida Wijngaard Father bride: Feike Kruizinga Mother bride: Jantje de Ruiter Additional information: bridegroom 20 jaar; bride 19 jaar |
Death of a sibling | 20 January 1923 (Age 22) Brother: Geert Ottens (I03381) (Age 37) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 23 October 1930 (Age 30) Aunt: Marchiena Jans Wijngaard (I01247) (Age 73) |
Death of mother | 9 February 1932 (Age 31) Mother: Ida Jans Wijngaard (I01249) (Age 72) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 19 April 1934 (Age 33) Aunt: Annechien Jans Wijngaard (I01244) (Age 84) |
Death of father | 26 December 1937 (Age 37) Father: Kars Ottens (I01250) (Age 81) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 5 February 1938 (Age 37) Uncle: Geuchien Jans Wijngaard (I01255) (Age 71) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 6 April 1938 (Age 37) Aunt: Reina Alida Wijngaard (I01253) (Age 73) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 26 November 1938 (Age 38) Uncle: Markus Jans Wijngaard (I01246) (Age 83) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 13 July 1948 (Age 47) Uncle: Eilt Jans Wijngaard (I01251) (Age 85) |
Death of a sibling | 27 September 1958 (Age 58) Brother: Hendrik Ottens (I03375) (Age 69) |
Death of a sibling | 17 December 1980 (Age 80) Brother: Kars Ottens (I03379) (Age 89) |
Last Change | 7 February 2014 - 09:27:38 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents |
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Brother |
Brother |
Sister |
Brother |
Family with Aaltje Kruizinga |
Wife |
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