Ebel Bossema (I00195)
Personal Facts and Details
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Birth | 25 July 1891 Nieuwbuinen, Borger-Odoorn, Drenthe, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Drenthe, Netherlands Source Text: Source Registry of births, deaths and marriages - birth (mother) file location Drents file Child Name: Ebel Bossema Line: M. Vondeling: N birth date: 25-07-1891 Place: New Buinen (Borger) General Toegangnr: 0165,004 Inventarisnr: 1891 Municipality: Borger Type certificate: birth Number: 143 declaration date: 25-07-1891 Father Name: Jakob Bossema Mother Name: Geertje Fekken |
Death | 1 May 1892 (Age 9 months) Nieuwbuinen, Borger-Odoorn, Drenthe, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Drenthe, Netherlands Source Text: Source Civil register - Death (Mother) Archive location: Drents Archief General Number of finding aid: 0167.004 Item number: 1892 Municipality: Borger Type of record: Death Record number: 62 Registration date: 03-05-1892 Deceased: Ebel Bossema Gender: M Date of death: 01-05-1892 Place of death: Nieuwbuinen (Borger) Father: Jakob Bossema Mother: Geertje Fekken Additional information: birth place: Borger 25-07-1891 |
Last Change | 15 January 2007 - 13:00:12 Last changed by: Admin |
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