Alle Roelsma (I09283)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 8 March 1881 Stadskanaal, Onstwedde, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Birth Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Onstwedde Type of record: geboorte Record number: 67 Registration date: 09-03-1881 Child Alle Roelsma Gender: M Abandoned child: N Date of birth: 08-03-1881 Place of birth: Stadskanaal gem. Onstwedde Father Albert Roelsma Mother Hendrikje van der Veen Additional information beroep vader: arbeider; |
Marriage | 3 August 1900 (Age 19) Geertje Baas Odoorn, Borger-Odoorn, Drenthe, Netherlands Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Drenthe, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Marriage (Father bride) Archive location: Drents Archief General Number of finding aid: 0166.018 Item number: 1900 Municipality: Odoorn Type of record: Marriage Certificate Record number: 53 Registration date: 03-08-1900 Bridegroom: Alle Roelsma Place of birth: Onstwedde Bride: Geertje Baas Place of birth: Onstwedde Father bridegroom: Albert Roelsma Mother bridegroom: Hendrikje van der Veen Father bride: Frederik Baas Mother bride: Janneke Vos Additional information: bridegroom: 19 jaar.; bride: 17 jaar. |
Birth of a child #1 | 5 December 1900 (Age 19) Daughter: Hendrikje Roelsma (I19624) |
Birth of a child #2 | 7 February 1903 (Age 21) Son: Frederik Roelsma (I24740) |
Birth of a child #3 | 12 March 1905 (Age 24) Son: Albert Roelsma (I24741) |
Birth of a child #4 | 6 April 1907 (Age 26) Daughter: Janneke Roelsma (I19626) |
Birth of a child #5 | 21 September 1909 (Age 28) Son: Jan Roelsma (I24742) |
Birth of a child #6 | 24 May 1912 (Age 31) Daughter: Elsje Roelsma (I24743) |
Birth of a child #7 | 15 October 1917 (Age 36) Daughter: Antje Roelsma (I24744) |
Death of a child | 25 November 1918 (Age 37) Daughter: Antje Roelsma (I24744) (Age 13 months) |
Birth of a child #8 | 24 September 1919 (Age 38) Daughter: Antina Roelsma (I27083) |
Birth of a child #9 | 26 April 1922 (Age 41) Daughter: Tjiske Roelsma (I27085) |
Birth of a grandchild #1 | 12 July 1922 (Age 41) Granddaughter: Willemke de Vos (I27073) |
Birth of a grandchild #2 | 4 August 1923 (Age 42) Granddaughter: Geertje de Vos (I27075) |
Birth of a grandchild #3 | 26 April 1925 (Age 44) Grandson: Wobbe de Vos (I27077) |
Birth of a grandchild #4 | 18 April 1927 (Age 46) Grandson: Alle de Vos (I27078) |
Death of a child | 13 January 1931 (Age 49) Daughter: Janneke Roelsma (I19626) (Age 23) |
Death of a grandchild | 15 June 1946 (Age 65) Grandson: Wobbe de Vos (I27077) (Age 21) |
Death | 4 October 1954 (Age 73) Odoorn, Borger-Odoorn, Drenthe, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Drenthe, Netherlands Source Text: Deceased: Alle Roelsma Gender: Male Place of birth: Onstwedde Age: 73 jaar Occupation: zonder Father: Albert Roelsma Gender: Male Mother: Hendrikje van der Veen Gender: Woman Relation: Geertje Baas Relation type: Echtgenote Gender: Woman Event: Overlijden Date: Monday, October 04, 1954 Event place: Odoorn Source type: BS Overlijden Organisation: Drents Archief Place: Assen Collection region: Drenthe Archive: 0167.018 Registration number: 1954 Record number: 74 Record date: 7 October 1954 Record place: Odoorn Record type: Overlijden |
Last Change | 9 March 2014 - 11:21:04 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Geertje Baas |
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Daughter |
Daughter |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |