|  Events of close relatives |
Birth | 4 August 1833 Ulrum, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Source: 1900 United States Federal Census |
Marriage | 6 August 1856 (Age 23) Martje Jonker - [View Family (F2724)]
Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, NetherlandsSource Text: Civil register - Marriage (Groom)
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Kloosterburen
Type of record: Marriage Certificate
Record number: 9
Registration date: 06-08-1856
Bridegroom: Hendrik Bulthuis
Place of birth: Ulrum
Bride: Maria Jonker
Place of birth: Kloosterburen
Father bridegroom: Klaas Hendriks Bulthuis
Mother bridegroom: Martje Geerts Venekamp
Father bride: Filippus Willems Jonker
Mother bride: Chatarina Klasens van der Laan
Additional information: profession bridegroom: daglooner; profession bride: dienstmeid; profession father of bride: schipper; profession mother bride: schippersche; bridegroom 23 jaar; bride 22 jaar |
Birth of a child #1 | 15 August 1856 (Age 23) Son: Claus Bolthouse (I07544) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a child #2 | 27 September 1857 (Age 24) Son: Phillip Bolthouse (I07552) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a child #3 | 22 May 1859 (Age 25) Daughter: Katerina Bolthouse (I11842) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a child #4 | 31 January 1863 (Age 29) Daughter: Martje Bolthouse (I11902) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a child #5 | 12 November 1864 (Age 31) Son: Charley G. Bolthouse (I07554) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a child #6 | 10 November 1866 (Age 33) Son: William Bolthouse (I07538) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a child #7 | 29 December 1868 (Age 35) Daughter: Trietje Bolthouse (I11911) - [Relationship Chart]
Immigration | 1872 (Age 39)
Source: 1900 United States Federal Census |
Birth of a child #8 | 1 December 1876 (Age 43) Daughter: Agnes Bolthouse (I07539) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #1 | 12 March 1878 (Age 44) Granddaughter: Johanna Josie Bolthouse (I07546) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a child #9 | 9 July 1879 (Age 45) Daughter: Greitje Bolthouse (I11914) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #2 | February 1881 (Age 47) Grandson: Henry P. Bolthouse (I07555) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a child #10 | 5 March 1881 (Age 47) Son: Harry Bolthouse (I07540) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #3 | September 1882 (Age 49) Granddaughter: Jenny Bolthouse (I07556) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #4 | 24 March 1883 (Age 49) Granddaughter: Maggie Ekkens (I11844) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #5 | September 1884 (Age 51) Grandson: John Bolthouse (I07557) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #6 | February 1885 (Age 51) Grandson: Roelof Ekkens (I11847) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #7 | 13 March 1885 (Age 51) Granddaughter: Maggie Bolthouse (I07564) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #8 | November 1885 (Age 52) Grandson: Henry VanderMolen (I11904) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #9 | 22 March 1886 (Age 52) Grandson: Henry Ekkens (I11848) - [Relationship Chart]
Residence | April 1886 (Age 52) Ferrysburg, Ottawa, Michigan
Source: Land Transfer Warranty Deed - Photocopy |
Birth of a grandchild #10 | May 1886 (Age 52) Grandson: Phillip Bolthouse (I07558) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #11 | May 1886 (Age 52) Granddaughter: Mary Bolthouse (I07565) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #12 | 11 March 1887 (Age 53) Granddaughter: Mary Ekkens (I11850) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #13 | 22 April 1887 (Age 53) Grandson: George VanderMolen (I11905) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #14 | 25 July 1887 (Age 53) Granddaughter: Marrie Bolthouse (I07542) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #15 | 3 September 1887 (Age 54) Granddaughter: Cornelia A. Bolthouse (I07547) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #16 | 22 October 1887 (Age 54) Grandson: Henry K. Bolthouse (I07566) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #17 | 16 October 1888 (Age 55) Grandson: William Ekkens (I11849) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #18 | May 1889 (Age 55) Granddaughter: May Bolthouse (I07559) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #19 | October 1889 (Age 56) Grandson: Richard Bolthouse (I07567) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #20 | 8 February 1890 (Age 56) Grandson: Claud Henry Bolthouse (I07548) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #21 | 5 October 1890 (Age 57) Grandson: Stephan S. Bolthouse (I07543) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #22 | October 1890 (Age 57) Granddaughter: Reka VanderMolen (I11906) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #23 | 24 September 1891 (Age 58) Grandson: Allen Bolthouse (I07560) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #24 | April 1892 (Age 58) Granddaughter: Ella Bolthouse (I07549) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #25 | 25 December 1893 (Age 60) Granddaughter: Maude Ekkens (I11851) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #26 | February 1894 (Age 60) Granddaughter: Jeanette Ekkens (I11852) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #27 | July 1894 (Age 60) Grandson: Herbert Bolthouse (I07561) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #28 | 9 December 1895 (Age 62) Grandson: Adrian Bolthouse (I07550) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #29 | 18 August 1896 (Age 63) Grandson: Allen Ekkens (I11853) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #30 | October 1896 (Age 63) Granddaughter: Minnie Bolthouse (I07562) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #31 | 29 May 1899 (Age 65) Grandson: Henry Claus Bolthouse (I07551) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #32 | 29 March 1900 (Age 66) Granddaughter: Kathryn Ekkens (I11854) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #33 | 1904 (Age 71) Grandson: Harold H. Vanderkolk (I11919) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #34 | 1905 (Age 72) Granddaughter: Jeanette Ekkens (I11929) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #35 | 3 September 1905 (Age 72) Granddaughter: Marguerite Agnes Prince (I11886) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #36 | 1907 (Age 74) Grandson: George Henry Prince (I11883) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #37 | 25 August 1907 (Age 74) Granddaughter: Marie Harriet Bolthouse (I07568) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #38 | 1908 (Age 75) Grandson: Charles Edward Vanderkolk (I11916) - [Relationship Chart]
Death of spouse | 29 March 1909 (Age 75) Spouse: Martje Jonker (I06621) (Age 75) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #39 | 1911 (Age 78) Granddaughter: Gertrude Prince (I11879) - [Relationship Chart]
Birth of a grandchild #40 | 1913 (Age 80) Granddaughter: Hazel Bolthouse (I07569) - [Relationship Chart]
Death | 18 January 1917 (Age 83) Spring Lake, Ottawa, Michigan