Wouter Rosingh (I05987)
Events of close relatives | |
Birth | 23 December 1889 Westernieland, Eenrum, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Birth Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Civil register - Birth Archive location Groninger Archieven General Municipality: Eenrum Type of record: geboorte Record number: 93 Registration date: 24-12-1889 Child Wouter Rosingh Gender: M Abandoned child: N Date of birth: 23-12-1889 Place of birth: Westernieland gem. Eenrum Father Pieter Rosingh Mother Sibrich Grommers Additional information beroep vader: hoofd der school; |
Birth of a sibling | 1 February 1893 (Age 3) Sister: Eilke Rosingh (I05989) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 16 September 1894 (Age 4) Aunt: Sijtske Grommers (I05970) (Age 28) |
Death of a grand-parent | 26 March 1897 (Age 7) Grandmother: Janna Wierema (I05895) (Age 61) |
Death of a grand-parent | 31 August 1905 (Age 15) Grandfather: Nikel Engelbertus Grommers (I05896) (Age 74) |
Marriage | 2 May 1916 (Age 26) Jetske Wassenaar Leeuwarderadeel, Leeuwarderadeel, Friesland, Netherlands Source: Marriage - Tresoar, Frysk Histoarysk Source Text: Civil register - Marriage (Mother groom) Archive location: Tresoar, Frysk Histoarysk en Letterkundich Sintrum General Number of finding aid: 30-23 Item number: 2057 Municipality: Leeuwarderadeel Type of record: Marriage Certificate Record number: 17 Registration date: 02-05-1916 Bridegroom: Wouter Rosingh Age: 27 Place of birth: Westernieland Bride: Jetske Wassenaar Age: 27 Place of birth: Hijlaard, gemeente Baarderadeel Father bridegroom: Pieter Rosingh Mother bridegroom: Sibrich Grommers Father bride: Georgius Hessels Wassenaar Mother bride: Janke Freerks Steenhuizen |
Death of a sibling | 7 July 1920 (Age 30) Sister: Eilke Rosingh (I05989) (Age 27) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 1 May 1928 (Age 38) Aunt: Hiltje Grommers (I05964) (Age 69) |
Death of mother | 2 February 1930 (Age 40) Mother: Sibrich Grommers (I05966) (Age 65) |
Death of spouse | 4 February 1930 (Age 40) Spouse: Jetske Wassenaar (I05988) (Age 39) |
Death of father | 8 February 1936 (Age 46) Father: Pieter Rosingh (I05967) (Age 79) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 4 July 1940 (Age 50) Uncle: Freerk Grommers (I05972) (Age 71) |
Death of a mother's sibling | 1 February 1948 (Age 58) Aunt: Kunje Grommers (I05968) (Age 87) |
Death | 24 July 1959 (Age 69) Haren, Haren, Groningen, Netherlands Source: Death Register - Groningen, Netherlands Source Text: Deceased: Wouter Rosingh Gender: Male Place of birth: Eenrum Age: 69 jaar Father: Pieter Rosingh Mother: Sibrich Grommers Relation: Jetske Wassenaar Event: Overlijden Date: Friday, July 24, 1959 Event place: Haren Source type: BS Overlijden Organisation: Groninger Archieven Place: Groningen Collection region: Groningen Record number: 82 Record date: 25 July 1959 Record place: Haren Collection: Bron: boek, Periode: 1959 Book: Overlijdensregister 1959 |
Last Change | 16 March 2014 - 10:11:34 Last changed by: Admin |
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Family with Parents |
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Mother |
Sister |
Sister |
Family with Jetske Wassenaar |
Wife |
There are no research logs attached to this individual. |