Hourglass Chart:
Roger Bottema

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Henry BottemaMale ‎(I17243)‎
Birth 4 September 1911 -- Grundy Center, Grundy, Iowa
Death 31 August 1993 (Age 81)
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Theodore BottemaMale ‎(I17135)‎
Birth 20 November 1876 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 14 October 1933 (Age 56) -- Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa
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Johannes BottemaMale ‎(I08359)‎
Birth 8 March 1838 -- Den Hoorn, Leens, Groningen, Netherlands
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Katharina BrutusFemale ‎(I08360)‎
Birth 6 March 1838 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 8 June 1898 (Age 60) -- Broek, Eenrum, Groningen, Netherlands
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Wilhelmina KleinFemale ‎(I08060)‎
Birth 7 November 1885 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 7 April 1933 (Age 47) -- Grundy County, USA
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Henderikus KleinMale ‎(I08041)‎
Birth 15 March 1851 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 20 March 1912 (Age 61) -- Molenrij, Kloosterburen, Groningen, Netherlands
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Janna BottemaFemale ‎(I08040)‎
Birth 9 February 1855 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 11 December 1936 (Age 81) -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
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Sophie Elizabeth PecenkaFemale ‎(I17256)‎
Birth 1 April 1913 -- Iowa, USA
Death 11 October 2005 (Age 92) -- Iowa

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