Hourglass Chart:
Karolina Spreen

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Frederik SchuurMale ‎(I22165)‎
Birth 27 March 1861 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 6 March 1862 (Age 11 months) -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
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Frederik SchuurMale ‎(I22166)‎
Birth 27 September 1862 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
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Trijntje SchuurFemale ‎(I22167)‎
Birth 17 October 1864 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 2 September 1867 (Age 2) -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Antje SchuurFemale ‎(I22168)‎
Birth 20 January 1867 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Geert SchuurMale ‎(I22169)‎
Birth 25 March 1869 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
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Trijntje SchuurFemale ‎(I22170)‎
Birth 25 March 1871 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
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Karolina SpreenFemale ‎(I10220)‎
Birth 16 April 1830 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands

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