Hourglass Chart:
Jantiena Woortman

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Jantiena WoortmanFemale ‎(I27199)‎
Birth 1 October 1897 -- Exloermond, Borger-Odoorn, Drenthe, Netherlands
Death 10 June 1986 (Age 88)
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Jakob WoortmanMale ‎(I27192)‎
Birth 3 October 1863 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 17 November 1918 (Age 55) -- Emmen, Emmen, Drenthe, Netherlands
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Mettje BakkerFemale ‎(I27188)‎
Birth 28 November 1870 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 11 February 1957 (Age 86) -- Emmen, Emmen, Drenthe, Netherlands
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Jan BakkerMale ‎(I08961)‎
Birth 15 October 1839 -- Gasselterboerveen, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, Netherlands
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Annechien NaaijerFemale ‎(I08960)‎
Birth 28 April 1842 -- Gasselternijveen, Gasselte, Drenthe, Netherlands
Death 31 October 1919 (Age 77) -- Exloërmond, Borger-Odoorn, Drenthe, Netherlands
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Geert Jans NaaijerMale ‎(I08923)‎
Birth 14 April 1806 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 29 June 1866 (Age 60) -- Gasselternijveenschemond, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, Netherlands
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Fennechien Harms MengeltjeFemale ‎(I08924)‎
Birth 12 February 1810 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 25 October 1871 (Age 61) -- Gasselte, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, Netherlands

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