Hourglass Chart:
Neeltje Geesje Baas

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Harm BaasMale ‎(I16914)‎
Birth 4 May 1912 -- Eexterveen, Netherlands
Death 15 January 2001 (Age 88) -- Musselkanaal, Stadskanaal, Groningen, Netherlands
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Popko BaasMale ‎(I10214)‎
Birth 3 March 1877 -- Tripscompagnie, Menterwolde, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 5 May 1960 (Age 83) -- Stadskanaal, Groningen, Netherlands
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Neeltje HovingaFemale ‎(I16908)‎
Birth 8 July 1880 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 13 December 1918 (Age 38) -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
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Harmtje TuinemaFemale ‎(I19199)‎
Birth 7 November 1915 -- Zuidlaarderveen, Netherlands
Death 2 November 1989 (Age 73) -- Musselkanaal, Stadskanaal, Groningen, Netherlands

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