Hourglass Chart:
John Anthony Ostheimer

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Lawrence OsthelmerMale ‎(I16376)‎
Birth 1915 -- Indiana
Death 26 July 1947 (Age 32) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA
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Phyllis OsthelmerFemale ‎(I16375)‎
Birth 3 October 1928 -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA
Death 24 September 2001 (Age 72) -- Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USA
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John Anthony OstheimerMale ‎(I16374)‎
Birth 20 March 1888 -- Tippecanoe County, Indiana, USA
Death 2 November 1948 (Age 60) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USA

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