Hourglass Chart:
Anton Fuetterer

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Elsa FuettererFemale ‎(I28251)‎
Birth 11 March 1914
Death 17 October 1962 (Age 48) -- Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA

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Carol PapkeFemale ‎(I28255)‎
Birth 23 April 1940
Death 8 August 2014 (Age 74) -- Kankakee, Kankakee, Illinois, USA

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Louise FuettererFemale ‎(I28253)‎
Birth 24 October 1915 -- Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Death 5 March 2010 (Age 94) -- Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA
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Anton FuettererMale ‎(I00777)‎
Birth 7 June 1879 -- Germany
Death 16 March 1942 (Age 62) -- Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA

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