Hourglass Chart:
Ardis K. Jonseck

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Richard Edward LohmanMale ‎(I00179)‎
Birth 22 October 1947 -- Shelby, Oceana, Michigan, USA
Death 24 February 2017 (Age 69) -- Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan, USA

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Kenneth Leo LohmanMale ‎(I00307)‎
Birth 30 December 1942 -- Michigan
Death 30 August 1993 (Age 50) -- New Era, Oceana, Michigan
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Ardis K. JonseckFemale ‎(I00374)‎
Birth 12 June 1923
Death 3 January 2003 (Age 79) -- Montague, Muskegon, Michigan

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