Geert Grit + Geertruida Veldman

Geert GritMale ‎(I25654)‎
Birth 14 August 1903 -- Beilen, Middenveld, Drenthe, Netherlands

Geertruida VeldmanFemale ‎(I25653)‎
Birth 30 April 1908 -- Oudeschip, Uithuizermeeden, Groningen, Netherlands
Klaas VeldmanMale ‎(I04792)‎
Birth 10 April 1871 -- Uithuizermeeden, Eemsmond, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 23 June 1946 (Age 75) -- Beilen, Midden-Drenthe, Drenthe, Netherlands
Hilje DijkmanFemale ‎(I04791)‎
Birth 12 July 1870 -- Uithuizermeeden, Eemsmond, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 30 June 1951 (Age 80) -- Beilen, Midden-Drenthe, Drenthe, Netherlands
Unknown children

Family Group Information   (F9094)
Marriage 13 May 1930 Beilen, Middenveld, Drenthe, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Drenthe, Netherlands

Source Text: Groom: Geert Grit
Place of birth: Beilen
Age: 26
Occupation: arbeider

Father of the groom: Jan Grit
Occupation: arbeider

Mother of the groom: Theresia Hoeré
Occupation: zonder

Bride: Geertruida Veldman
Place of birth: Uithuizermeeden
Age: 22
Occupation: zonder

Father of the bride: Klaas Veldman
Occupation: Landbouwer

Mother of the bride: Hilje Dijkman
Occupation: zonder

Event: Huwelijk
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 1930
Event place: Beilen

Source type: BS Huwelijk
Organisation: Drents Archief
Place: Assen
Collection region: Drenthe
Archive: 0166.003
Registration number: 1930
Record number: 22
Record date: 13 May 1930
Record place: Beilen
Record type: Huwelijk
Last Change 6 January 2015 - 14:44:45 Last changed by: Admin

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