Bernardus Hillebrand Smit + Margaretha Thekla Frederika Maria Röben

Bernardus Hillebrand SmitMale ‎(I24704)‎
Birth 15 September 1898 -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands

Margaretha Thekla Frederika Maria RöbenFemale ‎(I24702)‎
Birth 29 August 1906 -- Winschoten, Winschoten, Groningen, Netherlands
Johaan Abel RöbenMale ‎(I20464)‎
Birth 1858 -- Wehm, Emsland, Niedersachsen, Germany
Death 6 October 1926 (Age 68) -- Winschoten, Winschoten, Groningen, Netherlands
Wilhelmina Martina SmitFemale ‎(I20463)‎
Birth 11 November 1875 -- Bedum, Bedum, Groningen, Netherlands
Unknown children

Family Group Information   (F8776)
Marriage 2 September 1930 Winschoten, Winschoten, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Groom: Bernardus Hillebrand Smit
Place of birth: Groningen
Occupation: Koopman

Father of the groom: Harmannus Smit

Mother of the groom: Catharina Harmanna Kuiper

Bride: Margaretha Thekla Frederika Maria Röben
Place of birth: Winschoten

Father of the bride: Johann Abel Röben

Mother of the bride: Wilhelmina Martina Smit

Event: Huwelijk
Date: Tuesday, September 02, 1930

Source type: BS Huwelijk
Organisation: Groninger Archieven
Place: Groningen
Collection region: Groningen
Record number: 79
Record date: 2 September 1930
Record place: Winschoten
Record type: huwelijk
Last Change 7 March 2014 - 11:52:23 Last changed by: Admin

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