Hermanus Uiterwijk + Albertha van der Laan

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Hermanus UiterwijkMale ‎(I22364)‎
Birth 20 December 1902 -- Zutphen, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Death 24 April 1945 (Age 42) -- Bevern, Cloppenburg, Niedersachsen, Germany

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Albertha van der LaanFemale ‎(I22363)‎
Birth 19 December 1906 -- Stadskanaal, Onstwedde, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 27 March 1945 (Age 38) -- Ravensbruck, OVerhavel, Brandenburg, Germany
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Jakob van der LaanMale ‎(I10462)‎
Birth 1 March 1879 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 11 November 1943 (Age 64) -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
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Alkiena HekmanFemale ‎(I10461)‎
Birth 2 March 1878 -- Scheemda, Scheemda, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 29 August 1954 (Age 76) -- Stadskanaal, Groningen, Netherlands
Unknown children

Family Group Information   (F7930)
Marriage 5 September 1934 Onstwedde, Stadskanaal, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Groom: Hermanus Uiterwijk
Place of birth: Zutphen
Occupation: manufacturier

Father of the groom: George Geugien Uiterwijk
Occupation: spoorwegbeambte

Mother of the groom: Johanna Handele

Bride: Albertha van der Laan
Place of birth: Onstwedde

Father of the bride: Jakob van der Laan
Occupation: grossier

Mother of the bride: Alkiena Hekman

Event: Huwelijk
Date: Thursday, September 06, 1934

Source type: BS Huwelijk
Organisation: Groninger Archieven
Place: Groningen
Collection region: Groningen
Record number: 116
Record date: 6 September 1934
Record place: Onstwedde
Collection: Bron: boek, Periode: 1934
Book: Huwelijksregister 1934
Record type: huwelijk
Last Change 18 December 2014 - 13:44:41 Last changed by: Admin