Jurjen Koetze + Martha Raatjes

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Jurjen KoetzeMale ‎(I09584)‎
Birth 15 May 1884 -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 24 May 1948 (Age 64) -- De Bilt, De Bilt, Utrecht, Netherlands
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Klaas KoetzeMale ‎(I09579)‎
Birth 1848 -- Nieuwe Pekela, Pekela, Groningen, Netherlands
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Hinderika GroenhofFemale ‎(I09578)‎
Birth 1852 -- Nieuwe Pekela, Pekela, Groningen, Netherlands

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Martha RaatjesFemale ‎(I09585)‎
Birth 3 September 1882 -- Nieuwe Pekela, Pekela, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 22 April 1947 (Age 64) -- Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
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Klaas KoetzeMale ‎(I24524)‎
Birth 17 August 1906 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 2 August 1958 (Age 51) -- Soest, Soest, Utrecht, Netherlands
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Rengerdina KoetzeFemale ‎(I24525)‎
Birth 5 September 1907 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 8 January 1909 (Age 16 months) -- Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
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Pieter KoetzeMale ‎(I24526)‎
Birth 24 June 1909 -- Stadskanaal, Wildervank, Groningen, Netherlands
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Hinderika KoetzeFemale ‎(I24529)‎
Birth about 1911 -- Dortmund, Dortmund, Nordehein, Germany
Death 21 August 1934 (Age approx. 23) -- Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Family Group Information   (F3810)
Marriage 28 April 1906 Nieuwe Pekela, Pekela, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Civil register - Marriage ‎‎(Father groom)‎‎
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Nieuwe Pekela
Type of record: Marriage Certificate
Record number: 14
Registration date: 28-04-1906
Bridegroom: Jurjen Koetze
Place of birth: Wildervank
Bride: Martha Raatjes
Place of birth: Nieuwe Pekela
Father bridegroom: Klaas Koetze
Mother bridegroom: Hinderika Groenhof
Father bride: Pieter Raatjes
Mother bride: Rengerdina Mulder
Additional information: profession bridegroom: scheepstimmerknecht; profession bride: worker; profession vader bridegroom.: farm worker; profession vader bride: veenarbeider; bridegroom 21 jaar; bride 23 jaar
Last Change 27 February 2014 - 20:49:26 Last changed by: Admin