Meinard Huizinga + Duurke Doornbos

Meinard HuizingaMale ‎(I05924)‎
Birth 1876 -- Maarslag, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 23 March 1943 (Age 67) -- Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
Booije HuizingaMale ‎(I05905)‎
Birth 2 October 1847 -- Garnwerd, Ezinge, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 15 August 1908 (Age 60) -- Stedum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
Grietje PettingaFemale ‎(I05904)‎
Birth 26 June 1852 -- Maarhuizen, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 13 September 1938 (Age 86) -- Middelstum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands

Duurke DoornbosFemale ‎(I05925)‎
Birth 20 March 1879 -- Garsthuizen, Stedum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 29 December 1950 (Age 71) -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Luitje Hiebo HuizingaMale ‎(I20693)‎
Birth 29 April 1900 -- Garsthuizen, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands
Grietje HuizingaFemale ‎(I05932)‎
Birth 8 May 1901 -- Ten Boer, Ten Boer, Groningen, Netherlands
Geertruida HuizingaFemale ‎(I26887)‎
Birth 16 February 1904 -- Ten Boer, Ten Boer, Groningen, Netherlands
Booije Harm HuizingaMale ‎(I26888)‎
Birth 8 March 1907 -- Ten Boer, Ten Boer, Groningen, Netherlands

Family Group Information   (F2472)
Marriage 5 January 1900 Stedum, Loppersum, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Civil register - Marriage ‎‎(Mother groom)‎‎
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Stedum
Type of record: Marriage Certificate
Record number: 1
Registration date: 05-01-1900
Bridegroom: Meinard Huizinga
Place of birth: Maarslag
Bride: Duurke Doornbos
Place of birth: Garsthuizen
Father bridegroom: Booije Huizinga
Mother bridegroom: Grietje Pettinga
Father bride: Luitje Doornbos
Mother bride: Geertruida Zuidema
Additional information: profession bridegroom: iron blacksmith; profession vader bridegroom.: farmer; profession vader bride: bread baker; bridegroom 23 jaar; bride 20 jaar
Last Change 13 March 2016 - 08:15:14 Last changed by: Admin

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