Pieter Hindriks + Aaltje Kraima

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Pieter HindriksMale ‎(I05766)‎
Birth 8 March 1850 -- Helpman, Haren, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 6 May 1935 (Age 85) -- Noorddjik, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands

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Aaltje KraimaFemale ‎(I05765)‎
Birth 5 January 1856 -- Oldehove, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 10 March 1929 (Age 73) -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
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Anne KraimaMale ‎(I05760)‎
Birth 21 April 1828 -- Wetsinge, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 1 July 1899 (Age 71) -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
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Anna Jans HuizingaFemale ‎(I05759)‎
Birth 8 October 1819 -- Oldehove, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 21 December 1875 (Age 56) -- Oldehove, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
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Harmannus HindriksMale ‎(I05767)‎
Birth 17 January 1882 -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 30 October 1951 (Age 69) -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
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Nicolaas HindriksMale ‎(I05769)‎
Birth 1888 -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
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Jacob HindriksMale ‎(I05771)‎
Birth 1891 -- Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands

Family Group Information   (F2405)
Marriage 15 January 1876 Oldehove, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Civil register - Marriage ‎‎(Father bride)‎‎
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Oldehove
Type of record: Marriage Certificate
Record number: 1
Registration date: 15-01-1876
Bridegroom: Pieter Hindriks
Place of birth: Helpman, gem Haren
Bride: Aaltje Kraima
Place of birth: Oldehove
Father bridegroom: Nikolaas Hindriks
Mother bridegroom: Wija van der Vlis
Father bride: Anne Kraima
Mother bride: Anna Jans Huizinga
Additional information: profession bridegroom: shoe-maker; profession vader bridegroom.: leestemaker; profession vader bride: kleermaker; bridegroom 25 jaar; bride 20 jaar
Last Change 6 December 2008 - 18:18:02 Last changed by: Admin